EnergyPossibly one of the most important issues of our time, energy saving and the creation of energy at the moment is something we are all looking into, with the use of PV, Ground Source heat pumps and Wind turbine energy creation an affordable long-term solution can now be found.
With new Feed-In tariffs now being more and more available through the Government backed renewable electricity incentive. With micro generation technology you can begin to experience an income from your Feed-In tariff (clean energy cash back).
We can also design niche customer orientated energy saving products that meets specific needs and meet customer specifications, having experience with leading supermarkets, in there aim to reduce wasted energy.
We can assist with your goals towards energy saving or energy creation, be it simply changing your light bulb fittings or type to allow the use of energy efficient or saving equivalents, or looking to install a PV system or other source of clean energy, we are happy to help.
Skellytech are committed to reduce your power requirements and or find alternative sources of energy for you....
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